Hi Mike, will the update be applied to the Guardian Angel Tool also ?. Since the updates to CTrader desktop, i am seeing issues with high memory usage on my VPS when running all the Neptune bots,.. they used to all run just fine as i am guessing the Memory Manager within Guardian would keep it opitmal,.. but now i am finding that i can see my memory being maxxed so i usual reboot the VPS,.. but sometimes i can come back after only to find CTrader and the bots are not even running.

It looks like you have two issues, the memory manager for the guardian angel not working and the Neptune robots using excessive memory, you will need to post a separate thread about the Neptune system with your settings and screen shots of the task manager showing the memory usage. If you are using a VPS make sure you are not backtesting or optimising with it.

Hi Sophie, i think i should clarify,... i have a VPS thats quite basic,.. up until the latest Ctrader desktop, all my Neptune bots would run fine on the limited resources available, ,.. i dont think i ever saw a partiular bot start acting up, but then again this could be the memory manager within Guardian keeping it a optimal,.. all i know is that since the desktop upgrade, i have had more issues with me coming back to my vps and seeing all my bots stopped. I saw that there was an update to the Memory Manager and since that is integrated into Guardian, i thought this would also be updated, and that might sort my issue.

Kind regards


The next time all your cBots stop please provide the log information for one of them, it could be one of your settings you are using like a feature to stop the robot when a risk target is reached, if there was a cBot crash, this would also show in the log.

Memory management is not your solution in this case.

Please post again here only if you have further information to add about the Guardian Angel product, you can ask questions in a new post about other products.

3 months later
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