The RR tool only submits a pending order with OID 2931, this order was filled and a market order was created with PID 9980, you requested a partial profit manually for PID 9980 and the position was amended. The last entry states the same position ID, I m unsure of the inner workings of cTrader, but only 1 pending order was filled which turned into a market order and which had its volume adjusted, as you are using a partial TP, it will close a position with a new PID, but continue to run the remainder of the original position, this is how the platform manages partial take profits.
If Auto position sizing is set to YES when you adjust the stop loss it will create a partial take profit and close a % of the volume, this follows the same inner workings of the platform and closes a partial position with a new PID, but the original position stays open with the same original PID.
If Auto position sizing is set to YES when you create a partial take profit and close a % of the volume, this also follows the same inner workings of the platform and closes a partial position with a new PID, but the original position stays open with the same original PID.
You can see above when the pending order was filled it was assigned a PID, this same PID is used in the final entry when you made a partial take profit, if you wish to discuss further how pending orders are filled and converted to market orders and how partial take profits work you can contact Spotware with the same above question, they will be able to give you a better answer.
It is a common question amongst traders new to cTrader, you can find out more on our knowledgebase.
We are working on a fix so that you can turn off the auto position sizing for pending orders and investigating the commission issue, but we have tested the above scenarios and the results are related to how cTrader manages orders.
We have identified the commission calculation and auto-sizing issue and published a fix.