Hello, Today I've downloaded & started to use the 14 day trail of "cTrader Risk & Reward Professional" The Issue i am facing is that it ain't connecting the indicator to cbot test-server pro ! & yes i have read the guide all along & the name on both the cbot & Indicator were same by default so i tried on 2 different platforms ICMarkets cTrader & Pepperstone cTrader and I've tried EURUSD pair & Indices to see there might be some limitation in trail period !! even twice tried to change the name of server on both indicator & cBot. Still haven't worked out !!
When open the cbot it mention the server name & Log level (Error) in it by default, i tried debug option also & activated the debug in indicator as well, Still wasn't able to connect, Kindly look into the matter, If i am doing something wrong kindly guide me out or if its a bug, kindly fix it, as i am really looking forward to buy this product.
Thanks & Regards.