Sophia This would be because you are using an old version of the Windows operating system, either upgrade to Windows 10,11 or install the NET Framework 4.7. . If you are already using Windows 10 or 11, can you translate the error message for me, please?
Sophia OK, we will run the same setup to see if we also get this error, in the meantime try rebooting your PC. Also, if you can translate the first error message that would help us.
AboHmam Is the problem with this speech that I specified, because in the event of registration, I wrote something because I did not understand it
AboHmam ( An unhandled exception has occurred in this application ) This is the translation of the first message
Mike I cannot seem to get the same error as you, if the reboot did not fix the problem, the problem may be specific to your PC, have you tried it on another computer?