JoePaladin I want to use visual studio so I installed 2019 community edition. When I click edit in VS I get an error: can not download VS extension...
JoePaladin Answering my own question. No. Google cTrader extension for visual studio, download the vsix file, and install. Then close both cTrader and VS. Open VS first, then cTrader, and then the edit in VS button will work.
Mike Hi, Joe, for 99.9% of programmers creating cTrader cBots, indicators and other trading tools, the Visual Studio Community Edition is more then enough, it is also Free to download and use. Download Visual Studio Community (free) you will also need to install the cTrader cBot extension so you can open Visual Studio directly from your cTrader code editor window, just download and double click on the file to install. cBot & Custom Indicator Extension
JoePaladin Got it. It worked. Now I might need to debug something in VS. I will create a new thread for this. Very odd thing. The simple OnTimer() call writes out a time stamp every 100 milliseconds just fine. Then I add a few lines of code in a foreach statement to put all of the symbols in a list, and just doing that breaks that OnTimer() call. Nothing gets written to the file, no error message, all I did in the OnStart method was add to a List.
Mike Please follow the link below for debugging with Visual Studio. Also, below.