As you are past the 14-day refund period, you need to give us a chance to correct any possible issues, I understand you have been in contact with the vendor, but unfortunately, this is over the holiday period when they may not be working.
My last response from them was that the product is working ok, as they are probably on holiday, I will test the product myself. After a quick test, I can confirm the emails are being sent as shown below.
I also tested the Telegram message and it's working fine, please see the message it sent below.
Reasons No Messages Sent
- No alerts, check the cBot log for signals.
- cTrader email not configured correctly. how to set up.
- Your GMAIL account is blocking cTrader. how to fix it.
- Your Bot token is incorrect or may have spaces.
- Your telegram bot has fallen asleep, send a message to wake it up as shown in image above.