Eh, I see what you mean... But there's something strange for sure.
Right now I have XAUUSD 1h, I optimized (fast method, m1 bars from server) for the period 01/11/2023 -> 07/02/2024 and it actually finds good settings with INSANE profit. 😉
But then I say, "Ok, let's backtest these parameters for January but with REAL, tick data", and it goes banana: it only finds couple of trades and it goes negative.
So, in the end: yes, now I understand that I need to optimize using a wider range, but still... I can't do that with tick data or, for some reason, all my CPUs go 100% (even with a limit) and it takes a VERY a long time.
Result: can't use it in a real scenario. 🫤