Just tried a simple strategy and this bot and is not working. I've attached the conditions as image.
Also i did get the following code generated:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Collections;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
This code was created using the Algo Strategy Building Tool by ClickAlgo Limited
This cBot does not guarantee any particular outcome or
profit of any kind. Use it at your own risk.
Created: 17.02.2024
Name: Jack
namespace cAlgo.Robots
[Robot(AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class AlgoBuilderBot : Robot
// user parameter settings
// Indicator settings for bullish signals
[Parameter("Timeframe", DefaultValue = "m1", Group = "Fast EMA Buy #1")]
public TimeFrame EmaTimeFrameFastBuy1 { get; set; }
[Parameter("EMA Periods", DefaultValue = 13, Group = "Fast EMA Buy #1")]
public int EmaFastPeriodsBuy1 { get; set; }
[Parameter("Timeframe", DefaultValue = "m1", Group = "Slow EMA Buy #1")]
public TimeFrame EmaTimeFrameSlowBuy1 { get; set; }
[Parameter("EMA Periods", DefaultValue = 50, Group = "Slow EMA Buy #1")]
public int EmaSlowPeriodsBuy1 { get; set; }
// Indicator settings for bearish signals
[Parameter("Timeframe", DefaultValue = "m1", Group = "Fast EMA Sell #1")]
public TimeFrame EmaTimeFrameFastSell1 { get; set; }
[Parameter("EMA Periods", DefaultValue = 13, Group = "Fast EMA Sell #1")]
public int EmaFastPeriodsSell1 { get; set; }
[Parameter("Timeframe", DefaultValue = "m1", Group = "Slow EMA Sell #1")]
public TimeFrame EmaTimeFrameSlowSell1 { get; set; }
[Parameter("EMA Periods", DefaultValue = 50, Group = "Slow EMA Sell #1")]
public int EmaSlowPeriodsSell1 { get; set; }
// declaring the standard bullish indicators
private ExponentialMovingAverage _fastEMA_Buy1;
private ExponentialMovingAverage _slowEMA_Buy1;
// declaring the standard bearish indicators
private ExponentialMovingAverage _fastEMA_Sell1;
private ExponentialMovingAverage _slowEMA_Sell1;
// declaring the market data variables for bullish signals.
private Bars _fastEMABars_Buy1;
private Bars _slowEMABars_Buy1;
// declaring the market data variables for bearish signals.
private Bars _fastEMABars_Sell1;
private Bars _slowEMABars_Sell1;
// Private fields.
private string StrategyName { get; set; }
// makes sure only 1 trade opens per signal
bool IsBullish { get; set; }
bool IsBearish { get; set; }
// Initialise variables when the cBot starts.
protected override void OnStart()
StrategyName = "Jack";
// constructing the market data for the bullish indicators
_fastEMABars_Buy1 = MarketData.GetBars(EmaTimeFrameFastBuy1);
_slowEMABars_Buy1 = MarketData.GetBars(EmaTimeFrameSlowBuy1);
// constructing the market data for the bearish indicators
_fastEMABars_Sell1 = MarketData.GetBars(EmaTimeFrameFastSell1);
_slowEMABars_Sell1 = MarketData.GetBars(EmaTimeFrameSlowSell1);
// constructing the BULLISH indicators
_fastEMA_Buy1 = Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(_fastEMABars_Buy1.ClosePrices, EmaFastPeriodsBuy1);
_slowEMA_Buy1 = Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(_slowEMABars_Buy1.ClosePrices, EmaSlowPeriodsBuy1);
// constructing the BEARISH indicators
_fastEMA_Sell1 = Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(_fastEMABars_Sell1.ClosePrices, EmaFastPeriodsSell1);
_slowEMA_Sell1 = Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(_slowEMABars_Sell1.ClosePrices, EmaSlowPeriodsSell1);
// The onTick method is called on each price change.
protected override void OnTick()
// this method is called when the candle closes and is used to check the trade signals, execute trades and send alerts.
protected override void OnBarClosed()
// parent method to check rules and open bullish trade or send signal.
private void TradeRulesBullish()
// flag to open a trade if all rules true.
bool OpenBuyTrade = false;
if (IsBullishSignal())
OpenBuyTrade = true;
if (OpenBuyTrade)
if (!IsBullish)
// no open buy trades logic
IsBullish = true;
IsBullish = false;
// parent method to check rules and open bearish trade or send signal.
private void TradeRulesBearish()
// flag to open a trade if all rules true.
bool OpenSellTrade = false;
if (IsBearishSignal())
OpenSellTrade = true;
if (OpenSellTrade)
if (!IsBearish)
// no open buy trades logic
IsBearish = true;
IsBearish = false;
// returns true if all signals are bullish
private bool IsBullishSignal()
if (_fastEMA_Buy1.Result.LastValue < _slowEMA_Buy1.Result.LastValue)
return false;
return true;
// returns true if all signals are bearish
private bool IsBearishSignal()
if (_fastEMA_Sell1.Result.LastValue > _slowEMA_Sell1.Result.LastValue)
return false;
return true;