This is really sad, I have seen products being worked on together by traders and your technical team on telegram. People use to invest their time in improving your products and giving you suggestions so that they benefit as the product improves and becomes more popular. People use to buy your products with the anticipation that the product will be more expensive in the future when it has improved, and so even if they are not using it now they can buy and keep them and use them later when new updates have incorporated the improvements.
It is sad you are looking at disengaging the traders, it would have made more sense to give a 150$ product for an annual subscription of 50$, that way people who are truly invested in your product will still purchase it at a higher cost while others will only buy the cheaper subscription model.
I for example have been using Neptune for 4 years and always look forward to updates, it has not made any profit so far, yet i persist because in my mind I am invested in it for a lifetime. Now if you are asking me to buy it new every year (windows .net ctrader updates can make the older versions unusable), I will probably just give up on it and move to some other cBot (since you are asking me to shell out cash anyways), I might as well try something different from a different vendor, so in a way you are forcing your customers to other vendors.
So my suggestion would to add a new cheaper subscription model to the existing lifetime model.
Wait a minute... What do you mean by "I've been using Neptune for 4 years [...] it has not made any profit so far"?
How has it performed for you, do let us know.
You did not answer the question. 😅
What I wanted to say was: I just started and I made some 'youthful' mistakes, so yes, at the moment I don't have any profits but losses... But I only started a few weeks ago.
But the optimisations and backtesting look promising! Now... I know that the rules of the past don't apply to the future, but... I would also expect that at least some of the statistical 'patterns' and parameters found by the optimiser will lead to at least partial profits in the coming weeks... Mainly because I keep a pretty close eye on the situation and plan to re-optimise everything every 2 or 3 weeks...
These bots are little masterpieces. If THEY don't work, then algo trading in general must be a joke. 😦
Theory CANNOT be that different from practice! 😧
Looking forward to hearing about the time when the practice has caught up with theory, good luck and please do keep us updated.
P.S. - sorry not sure what was the question.
I will certainly keep you informed.
I don't understand... Maybe there are some unwritten rules, some 'principles of good behaviour' that we can't find in the forum posts, but have to discover for ourselves... Let's see, maybe I'll write a post about it!
For example, I am reasonably convinced that Neptune bots should be optimised WITHOUT Turbo Boost, opening only one position at a time, so that the bot correctly identifies all positive and negative signals and avoids the negative ones... Once optimised, to go live, you can decide to activate the turbo boost up to, say, 3 or 5 trades at the same time, to make the profits even bigger... I will do some tests!
Anyway, the question was: did your bots not generate profits because you didn't use them, waiting for them to improve and become perfect, or did you use them a lot and they didn't work?
EDIT: apologies to the moderators... The discussion has derailed and gone off-topic, feel free to delete unnecessary posts or split the conversation into two posts.