asherm Hi, I recently purchased a cBot called 'cTrader Profit & Loss Risk Manager'. It works great but CTrader has the added the 'Start in external process' function and I can't use this on the cBot as it needs to be upgraded to 'modern .NET 6 algos'. It is currently .NET 4. Are you guys able to upgrade it? Thank you
Sophia We have just published an update to this cBot, you can now download it from your account downloads. The new version is v1.1.0 and it will also work with the macOS.
asherm I think there may be something wrong with this updated version. The cBot keeps turning itself off after 20-30 minutes. It never used to do that. Can you please check this? Thanks
Sophia Can you open the cBot in cTrader Automate, run it and look at the cBot log, this will tell you the issue. The cBot will stop when the targets are reached, this will be in the log. Your cBot setting Stop robot on target may be set to YES.
asherm I changed the setting to NO but it still turns itself off. And I just realised it only stays on a minute or two before turning itself off so it's happening very quickly. I will attach a screenshot of the log because I have no idea what I'm looking at
Sophia If you have not registered the product, it will stop after 1-min. According to our records, you have not registered it with your ctrader ID.
asherm When I click the 'Register Product' button it takes me to the click algo page but I cannot select anything to register when I click 'Select your product'. See below
asherm Hi, The C-bot we spoke about in the messages above keeps turning itself off after a minute or so. Recently C-Trader has changed to a cloud based software and I'm wondering if this is the cause of the issue and the C-bot may need to be updated to suit? Thanks
Mike Our license products do not work on the cTrader cloud, unless you purchase the full source code,