gsk1761 Hi Sophia Ive downloaded the trial version of the cTrader RSI Alerts Indicator. However when selecting either of the alerts (1. popup or 2. telegram) - soon after the first tick - I get a constant flurry of popups or telegram alerts. Can you please advise how to rectify this issue? Or are proper alerts not available for the trial version? Thanks.
Sophia Can you save your cBot settings as a file and upload the file in your reply?
gsk1761 Please see attached. Does this assist? (Ive just applied to the chart as an indicator rather than an automated cbot). log.txt80kB
Sophia Thank you for the log, this helps, but we also need your cBot settings, click on the link I provided for instructions on how to get this information. Can you also tell me the operating system and broker you are using.
gsk1761 Please find attached. clickalgo-dynamic-rsi-trial.txt1kB OS: Windows Server Standard 2022 Broker: IC Markets App: Ctrader verson 5.0.25 (and Raw Trader Ctrader v 4.9.2 - issue persists on both).
gsk1761 Excellent. Thank you for the prompt resolution. Just a final question. Is there a difference between the 2 products below? I believe I am currently trialing the first. Thanks