Danny75 I am trying to set up telegram messenger bot and I am following the instructions in the support hub, when I click on the link Click on this URL https://api.telegram.org/bot$TOKEN/getUpdates to insert my token, I get. {"ok":false,"error_code":404,"description":"Not Found"} any help in setting up the messenger bot would be greatly appreciated
Sebastian Send yourself a message first Are you trying to get your chat I'd? https://clickalgo.com/telegram-chatid
Danny75 Hi Sebastion, i have had a bot built by Panagoitis, it included the telegram alerts. In the parameters on the bot, it has bot token and chat ID, i am unsure what i have to do with the token and chat id
Mike Hi Danny, Contact your developer, and he will help you. If you wish to test your Telegram credentials to make sure they are ok, use this free tool below. https://clickalgo.com/telegram-setup-test