NightProwler Hey guys, Do you have the same software but regarding copy trading positions? I mean, when the trade is opened/closed from copied strategy I want to receive a notification regarding instrument and state of position.
Mike You can install the software on your copy of cTrader and when a trade is opened it will send you an alert, for this to work, you will need cTrader opened and running or you can purchase the source code and run the cbot on the cloud.
NightProwler Sorry, Mike, but I don't see any option how to install on copied strategy. There is a Copy tab in cTrader and I subscribed to it with 500 usd. And now I want to receive a notification messages regarding these positions.
Pipster I assume you are copying trades and the trades open on your cTrader account, as soon as a trade opens the tool will send a notification. You need to install it on your cTrader desktop platform in the Algo application, you will need ctrader open 24/7