Mike Hi, Gregory; you can get help from the person or company from which you downloaded it. Contact our dev team if it is your cBot or if you need help with the code. https://clickalgo.com/contact-development
GrzegorzPikusa Hello warmly, the bot is on your site. The owner of the bot is: Wetrader$king$ and there is no contact with him. Can you please help me. Or answer one technical question about how the bot works.Greetings.Gregory.
GrzegorzPikusa my question is: Such settings I have: screenshot-2025-01-23-190724.png17kB 2. Such backtest results: screenshot-2025-01-23-190822.png93kB 3. Such a message about will be: screenshot-screen-2025-01-23-191038.png7kB Please help where the error is coming from.
GrzegorzPikusa Hello sincerely, sorry for not writing back for so long, the break was due to my work. But I'm back now, I found this bot on the old ctrader store.Now the site is changed, I don't see it anymore.Greetings.Gregory.