hello, im having trouble with telegram push notification merged with 5 pairs using crossover MA bot.
i only receive notification from one of the pairs that i chose but the others dont work for me..
i did the following steps:
1- i configured the MA crossover bot.(the two MAs,no autotrading, instance name 001, telegram message "yes" ive added my bot token and id)
2- i ran the crossover bot
3- i configured my push notification bot,(instance name 001, turning the telegram on, the rest NO, added my token and chat id on telegram box)
4- ive ran the push notification bot
ive followed the same steps (with different instance names: 001, 002, 003, 004, 005)to all other 4 pairs but i was only able to receive telegram notification from 1 pair.
Does the settup only allows one pair to be notified or can there be more?