@Mike#1346 - All, just to reaffirm Mike's comment above. When i first traded the robots i was disappointed with the number of trades and played about with the settings trying to force more trades, which i did but in doing so i essentially incurred more losses, higher draw down and of course increased commission due to the increased number of trades. I eventually just went back to ClickAlgo's original setting files and let them do their business, and they have been doing very well for me. If you have the whole set of 10 Neptune bots, then you are essentially throwing a larger net and capturing the big major/minor currencies, so if any make a major move then one will fire up.
Oh, just another tip,.. if you are going to be serious about using algo's, then i would strongly suggest you invest in a VPS, you dont need a top of the line offering, just a basic 1 Core 2GB Ram will suffice, thats what i have and it runs
all of my 10 x Neptune bots and 2 x Smart Grid, ..costs me £18 to £20 a month.
When i first got my bots i would run them during the day on my own home pc, but of course sometimes i would reboot my pc or it would crash and then id forget to startup Ctrader and after a few months i wasn't happy with my results so i decided to run a backtest for the period and it turns out that i missed 8 trades, 7 winning, 1 lose and a gain of 16%, this was because they kicked in either early in the morning or during the Asian session or i simply forgot to fire up the bots after a reboot.