Hi Brd,
could you check the "Execution" section and make sure that the minimum lot size is 0.01? The "Execution" section determines the minimum/maximum lot size for the order sent to the broker.
The general minimum lot size is set by the broker. In your case, it is not possible to have lots smaller than 0.01. So if the lot size is too small, it will be ignored for this specific target and moved to the next target.
For example, if the calculated total lot size is 0.02 and three targets are set with 0.007 lots each, the algorithm will move lots that cannot be filled (e.g. 0.007) to the next target. In this example, it is moved to TG2. On the other hand, the planning should already show the correct size of each target group.
If you increase the SL distance so that the total risk is higher than you want to afford (check the risk percentage setting), no lots will be displayed and no trade will be generated.
Was I able to clarify the problem?
Best regards