Happy to provide more information. I will use an example for trading stocks with NinjaTrader.
- Initial account balance 50.000 USD
- I buy 1000 stocks NIO at 24 USD, I sell them at 23,80 USD (I have a stop loss at 23,80 and risk 200 USD, 20 ticks )
- I buy 400 stocks AMD at 124 USD, I sell them at 126 USD (I have a stop loss at 123,50 and risk 200 USD, 50 ticks)
1) After my buy order for NIO is filled my cash balance is lowered to 26.000 (50.000 minus the purchase price for 1000 NIO stocks). This is the balance field on the dash board (cash value at NT accounts Tab). My equity on the dash board remains 50.000 (net liquidation on the NT accounts Tab)
2) The price of AMD decreases to 23,90 USD. The balance field on the dash board remains 26.000 . My equity on the dash board decreases to 49.900
3) The price of AMD decreases to 23,80 USD and I sell the position. The balance field on the dash board decreases to 48.800 and the equity on the dash board decreases to 48.800
4) After my buy order for AMD is filled my cash balance is lowered to 400 (50.000 minus the purchase price for 400 AMD stocks). This is the balance field on the dash board (cash value at NT accounts Tab). My equity on the dash board remains 50.000 (net liquidation on the NT accounts Tab)
5) The price of AMD increases to 125 USD. The balance field on the dash board remains 400. My equity on the dash board increases to 50.400
6) The price of AMD increases to 126 UD and I sell the position. The balance field on the dash board increases to 50.800 and the equity on the dash board increases to 50.800
So the calculation of the cash balance and the equity/account balance as retrieved from Ninja Trader is correct. However as the Risk Manager assumes (as is the case for Forex and Futures) that the cash balance only changes after the order is closed (and not when filled and during the trade as with stocks) some features do not work well when trading other instruments. See in the next posts the calculation of drawn down percentage and equity percentage.