Further to our chat via Telegram, please find attached the screenshots as promised. As previously discussed, the US indices work great with risk being calculated at or close to 1% of my balance - if I take a trade with a SL 10-15 points away from a fast moving price, the bot is extremely accurate and gets within 0.15% of my balance as risk. On the five minute chart, trading US Indices the tool works perfectly and 80% of the time 1% risk is almost there on a fast moving one minute chart.
However, with regard to the Dax the tool only seems to calculate pretty accurately on the 15 minute chart and above and will only ever nail the 1% risk if the SL is a 5+ points away from the candle low/high (15 minute chart only). The majority of my trades on the DAX are placed on the 5 minute chart - if the tool could get within 0.2% of my 1% risk I would be more than happy; right now it gets nowhere near that amount even when the market is sluggish and slow moving; it's as if the calculation is incorrect.
If the tool can calculate the Nasdaq 100 moving at a fast pace, I cannot see why it cannot do the same for the Dax.
Please don't think I'm slating this tool - it is fantastic and makes trading so much easier; you have done a great job creating it. Fingers crossed you can find the cause of this issue. The screenshots attached are taken from a demo account - as mentioned via Telegram I have played around with balance sizes from small to large but it doesn't seem to affect the risk calculation issue. I experienced this Dax issue whilst trading my live spreadbet account via Pepperstone - the risk issue is there with both CFD and spreadbet contract types not that I could see either or would make any difference to the calculation.
Further to the above...
From what I can see, unless the Dax price is over 50 points away from the proposed stop loss, the tool is unable to calculate % risk of the balance - this is quite some distance. The tool can calculate risk on the Nasdaq 100 within 0.2% of my balance only 10-15 points away from price.
With regard to brokers, the Dax issue is encountered on Pepperstone (spread of 0.9), CTraders demo account (spread of 0.3) and FTMO's server (spread of 0.6). I do not see how the spread is an issue as the spread on the Nasdaq is identical to that of the Dax.
Here is an example of the DAX calculation on the five minute chart taken on a typical setup in terms of points distance to stop. The settings used can be seen on the third example (Nasdaq screenshot). Selecting/De-selecting 'Auto Position Sizing' makes no difference.
Here is an example of the exact distance away from price my stop loss would have to be in order for the tool to calculate 1% risk correctly.
Here is the Nasdaq 100 on the five minute chart (for comparison). As you can see, the stop loss is under 20 points away from price and the risk is calculated perfectly even as price fluctuates rapidly.
Cheers, Damon