@"Sebastian"#p3830 let me explain to you why I need password and sign out ,maybe then you could help me .
We are 2 persons that work on one forex account . One of us is trader and it's me and the other one is in charge of control and riskmanagment . I Do not want to be able to stop the cBot, we just want to set it at the start of trading session and then just one person who is in charge for riskmanagment could stop or run the cBot . if there is any possible option to do this like setting password to start and stop it or any other suluition that wont let me as a trader to stop the cBot , Pleaes let me know .
For the second matter , I want to know if you could add this option to disbale trading for period of time ( like 1 hour) like this after reaching 3 % drawdown disbale trading for 2 hours . or sign out from platform so I could calm down .( in case of sign out of platfrom since I will not have the credintial of account and Control person has it will works for me )
Thank you in advance for you time .