Sir Good Day I am humbled by your free youtube tutorials and tried to follow on your Trading Telegram signals lessons. I am already at lesson number 3 and manually typed the code on the video lesson twice. Can you please help me sir I cannot display the rsi line on the chart?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Collections;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
namespace cAlgo
[Levels (30.0, 50.0, 70.0)]
[Indicator(AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class RSITELEGRAMALERTS2 : Indicator
#region user settings
[Parameter("Period", Group = "Indicator Data", DefaultValue = 14)]
public int Period {get; set;}
[Parameter("Source", Group = "Indicator Data")]
public DataSeries Source {get; set;}
[Parameter("UpperThreshold",Group= "Indicator Levels", DefaultValue =70)]
public double UpperThreshold {get; set;}
[Parameter("LowerThreshold",Group= "Indicator Levels", DefaultValue =30)]
public double LowerThreshold {get; set;}
[Parameter("Send to Telegram?", DefaultValue= false, Group = "Telegram Notifications" )]
public bool IncludeTelegram{get; set;}
[Parameter("Bool Token", DefaultValue= "", Group = "Telegram Notifications" )]
public bool BoolToken {get; set;}
[Parameter("Chat ID", DefaultValue= "", Group = "Telegram Notifications" )]
public bool ChatID {get; set;}
[Output("Main", PlotType = PlotType.Line, LineColor ="LimeGreen", Thickness = 2)]
public IndicatorDataSeries Result {get; set;}
public RelativeStrengthIndex Rsi {get; set;}
protected override void Initialize()
Rsi = Indicators.RelativeStrengthIndex(Source, Period);
public override void Calculate(int index)
Result[index] = Rsi.Result[index];