(Using Smart Grid hedge trial right now)...
I'm a bit confused with the trading hours, it's just not clear enough.
Backtests and optimizations use GMT +0 time. -> This is clear
In cTrader you can switch the time in the bottom right corner.
So when Paul says when running cBot live, in WAE video he changed cTrader Application time to match with the backtests to GMT +0 BUT he says you have to use your PC time but i've never seen it showing his PC time or. You see my point?
What do i input in the cBot then if my PC timezone is GMT - 5 (Not cTrader application)?
Do i have to do a time conversion for the live cBot settings? (Substract 5 hours)
Does the Current Time settings in cTrader lower right corner matters?
These answers are all important and are not covered precisely anywhere.