I recently asked the Q on the Telegram group about how many instances of the same instrument a cbot can run simultaneously.
The answer I got was I could run 3x EurUsd for example with different settings and unique instance names.
Does that depend on cpu/ram capabilities of the machine or would the total be limited by ctrader or the cbots function?
The reason I ask is I would like to run quite a lot of instances of each instrument on different cbots. Which would include the cbots smart grid, switchback and neptune mainly.
For example on Smart grid I would like to have 3x EurUsd 3x GbpUsd 3x JpyUsd etc Similar on Switchback and On Neptune 3x each instrument, I guess Neptune would be fine because of the 10 x different forex cbots .
So I would have 50 plus instances running at one time.
I have an independent computer just for trading and for future planning I ask these Q's because I will buy more computers if necessary to run so many instances. The other option is could I open ctrader 3 or 4 times and split the instances between each one.
Could you give me advice about how to approach this situation and what set up would be best to do this.