clickalgoman I’ve installed Voice Pack but cannot get voice / pop-up trade activity alarms to work. When triggered it reports both on the pop-up, but there was no voice.
Mike I just did a test and both popup and voice alerts work, make sure you have installed the voice pack, the folder is shown below after it has been installed, you can open this window from the about tab.
clickalgoman Yes, I checked the folder and the voice files are installed, however they are not being played when option of pop-up & voice is selected. The sound heard when pop-up window displays is a windows or NT type chime sound.
Mike Can you take a screenshot as I have above showing the sound files and the folder location, also what happens when you double click on a sound file, do you hear sound?
clickalgoman Works when I turn on Account Alert “daily profit has achieved $100”. So now I’ll monitor if problem resolved. Thank you for great support!