face79 I have now reinstalled CTrader, which seems to be better at the moment. I will keep an eye on it. Now I have the problem that the widget always shows EURUSD even though I am trading in XAUUSD or GER40. That is very unpleasant. Is that correct?
Mike Yes, it is correct, you need to open a new cBot for each symbol. The symbol name on the top is to let you know which symbol you are trading.
face79 I have also written FTMO now because I am not sure whether my CTrader is working correctly. Would it be possible for me to try the Pro version? What do you think? If the Pro version worked, I could change the software.
Mike A new update has just been published that corrects the issue with the symbol name not showing on the forms. Please follow the same procedure to install, in the cBot log you will see v2.1.1 On the registration windows, you will still see v2.1.0
face79 Hello Mike, i don't understand what happen. In the testphase for free the bot works perfect on my Ctrader. After i buy the fullversion, the bot don't work. if i push the sellbutton nothing happen. it's boring. Is it possible to get my money back. it's very bad..........i like this tool so much, but nobody can help me. do you have any idea?
Sophia There seem to be many issues with the latest release of cTrader, you can find details below. https://ctrader.com/forum/latest/ We are unsure if the problem you are experiencing is the platform or the software, in any case I will issue a refund today.