Hi, i am having the same issue as the user above,.. i have upgraded Cbots etc apps plenty of times so i am no stranger to upgrades, but every time i grab this latest version from the download area and install it, it says v2.6.2.
Steps i have followed:
- Deleted current Smart Grid, then closed CTrader, then opened it to make sure it wasnt there.
- Cleared my cache on Chrome
- Went to my Download area and downloaded latest Smart Grid Zip,.. i know its correct as it has the latest EURUSD settings labeled "Oct 2021" ,.. the Smart Grid.algo is dated 10/09/2021 and is 1760 kb
- I then double click the algo and it opens Ctrader and installs the Smart Grid,.. i confirm its running the correct .algo by right clicking and "Show in folder" and i can see its the ,algo as in the zip as its 1760 KB, however when i load up a symbol in the Smart Grid, the version on the parameters is still showing as v2.6.2 (see below) ... this is how you ascertain the version is it not ?,.. this isn't a case whereby the version of the app is correct but the text hasn't been updated ?,... its driving me potty.