It looks like cTrader was restarted on the 23rd of March, this may be the issue. There is no log information about any news events, we will investigate.
2024.03.23 00:03:16.924 | cBot "ClickAlgo Smart Grid" process crashed.
2024.03.23 00:03:16.932 | cBot "ClickAlgo News Manager" process crashed.
2024.03.23 08:39:24.237 | cTrader started
2024.03.24 20:07:32.346 | cTrader started
Take a look at your news manager cBot log it should show all the events that happen, you can also set it up to receive messages via email, etc, this will help you test if that works ok. Make sure it was running when the news event happened.
According to your settings, you should have received a popup message from the news manager.
Can you share the cBot log for the news manager as a text file?